Neotel at Nepcon Asia 2021
NEOTEL at Nepcon Asia 2021 microelectronics on 18tn December 2021
Neotel Technology joined the CFX Alliance and began to support the IPC CFX Industrial Internet Protocol
Neotel Technology joined the CFX Alliance and began to support the IPC CFX Industrial Internet Protocol
Neotel at the Munich Shanghai Electronic Production Equipment Exhibition/productronica China
Neotel at the Munich Shanghai Electronic Production Equipment Exhibition
NEOTEL & ATE-care Reached Strategic Partnership Agreement
NEOTEL ——ATE-care Reached Strategic Partnership Agreement
Neotel to Launch SMD BOX SP: Solder Paste Storage and Handling System
Neotel Technology Sign the distributor agreement with Sinerji Grup
Neotel Technology Sign the partnership agreement with Sinerji Grup
Neotel at Nepcon Japan 2020
Neotel Technology is providing Smart Material Flow solution to the electronics manufacturing industry. The product includes: SMD BOX: SMT material automation system, Neo Scan: Incoming material registration system, Neo Light: Smart SMT material rack, Neo Counter: Xray counter.
Neotel at Productronica Munich
Neotel Technology is providing Smart Material Flow solution to the electronics manufacturing industry. The product includes: SMD BOX: SMT material automation system, Neo Scan: Incoming material registration system, Neo Light: Smart SMT material