September 2020 – Neotel Technology is pleased to announce that it hasreached strategic partnership agreement with ATE-care. Under the agreement, ATE-care will be the overseas agent of Neotel, mainly providing perfect smart warehousing solutions for European customers.
“We look forward to cooperating closely with ATE-care,” said Lu Xiaodong, CEO of Neotel Technology. “This will enhance our latest smart storage and logistics solution which will help SMT customers to automatically manage the flow of goods, parts and products before, during and after the production and be traceable at any time. It will promote the automation in the electronic production which helps customers improve their position in the market.”
ATE-care is a well-known Company based in Germany/ Austria and Swiss and offers a big bandwidth of Test and Inspection Solutions for the Electronic Industry. Based on the fact that in modern productions, the warehouse flow and SW interfaces for results, closed loops and statistics are anyhow necessary,ATE-care decided to extend their portfolio with Warehouse equipment from NEOTEL.
Olaf Roemer, CEO ATE-care stated. “With NEOTEL we could found an international solution provider and not only a vendor of products – very important in this field, because HW and SW need to be combined and adapted to customer needs. We are looking very optimistic about the prospects to cooperate with NEOTEL.”

About Neotel Technology
NEOTEL is a leading supplier of smart manufacturing, smart logistics solution, smart assembly and soldering solution, BIG DATA solution and artificial intelligence solutions.
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